Eryn Embree

Eryn Embree



About Coach

What’s your favorite workout/type of workout?: My favorite type of workout is a good grinder or long AMRAP with a few different movements to mix it up and not get boring!

How long have you been coaching fitness?: I have been coaching (professionally) for close to three years now.

What would you say to someone that’s nervous to start doing cross training exercises?: That there is absolutely nothing to be nervous about!! We were all beginners once, too. There is zero judgment about beginners, scaling movements or reps, and there is no level of fitness that cannot be catered to! I have multiple sclerosis and I myself have limits to somethings I can do, or will do!

What’s your favorite thing to do outside of the gym?: My favorite thing to do outside the gym is either being at the track- racing my car, or going on adventures and camping with my family.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion