Lauren Perry

Lauren Perry



About Coach

What’s your favorite workout/type of workout?: Kelly is my favorite workout! Or anything similar with running and lots of wall balls. Gross I know, I just love a good lung burner.

How long have you been coaching fitness?: I recently started coaching a few months ago, and I've loved every second of it.

Why do you coach?: Fitness has been a huge passion of mine since I was a young girl, so it's so awesome to share that with like-minded people.

What would you say to someone that’s nervous to start doing cross training exercises?: There is a place for every level of fitness at our gym. Our workouts are so easily modified and scaled to fit your fitness needs, so no need to be nervous! The workout may seem intimidating, but us as coaches, we will tailor the workout to fit what you're capable of.

What’s your favorite thing to do outside of the gym?: being a mom is my number one joy in life. My daughters are my driving motivation to stay fit. I also enjoy anything outdoors; hiking, running, mountain biking, I love it all!

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion